Moving to Asia and Turning Pro

As you read this blog post, I am flying across the Pacific Ocean on the way to Manila in the Philippines.

After spending four months in Mexico, we decided not to come straight back to the states, instead we are pushing forward with our goal to work remotely and travel the world.

We are starting in the Philippines, and we have no concrete plans after that. 

In addition to this exciting travel news, I have another huge announcement.

I am turning pro

For the past four months I have been blogging as a hobbyist. 

In Quarter 2, I am turning pro.

As part of turning pro, a few things will be changing:

Blogging - Over the next quarter, I will be blogging at minimum twice per week. I will be writing on some new topics and sharing even more valuable content. 

New logo & website design- This was long overdue and I am excited to finally launch a new design. 

Consulting Services -  If you are interested in hiring me to help out with your marketing, web design, goals coaching or anything else, you can reach out to me here.

Facebook Fan Page - I have launched a Facebook fan page and over the next quarter I will be moving all of my updates from my personal profile to my Facebook fan page, Like me on Facebook to stay up to date.

Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over the past few months as I have started this new journey. 

I am excited to be turning pro and taking this to the next level. 

Exciting things are soon to come…