The launch of a new photography project

About a month ago, I announced a new creative project that I was working on for my quarter two goal. Today I am excited to finally launch this project publicly.

PicBuggy is a photo collection of vintage bugs and buses. Everyday a new bug is featured, each with it's unique personality.

The PicBuggy Story

Near the end of 2013, Elisabeth and I picked up our lives and moved to Mexico for five months.

While living in Mexico we traveled the region extensively, visiting both large cities and tiny fishing villages. No matter where we went one thing kept popping up.

Everywhere we looked, there were vintage VW buses and cars. These were not just replicas of the same car, each one had been customized or modded in some unique way.

I realized that he couldn’t just pass by them and did the only thing I could think to do.

I started taking pictures.

No bug was alike. Each car has a unique personality. Everyday I would go on afternoon walks and I would find new bugs to photograph.

In total I was able to photograph over 400 different bugs in Mexico.

PicBuggy is the outlet and gallery for all of those beauties.

Everyday, a new bug is posted.


Why I am launching this project

This project isn’t about generating large amounts of money, or building an asset in my portfolio. In fact any profits that eventually come from this project will be donated to an arts educations program in Mexico. 

This project is about creating. It is about producing something unique and special. It may catch on, or it may not. I can’t know for sure but I can say that it feels good to put something out into the world that is purely for creative enjoyment. 


How to follow PicBuggy

PicBuggy has a presence on Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. Or you can follow through our website at
