Posts in Personal Development
Why Stealing Business Ideas Can Spark Your Success

Since starting up Lead Cookie I have had multiple people tell me “This is such a brilliant idea for a business.”

I always laugh because I have to tell them, “I didn’t think up any of this. I literally stole the concepts from others.”

No joke, almost everything about Lead Cookie is stolen. 

But the truth is, that is why this business has succeeded while almost every business I have had before has failed. 

In this article, I am going to share what I mean by the “stolen ideas” and give you a framework on how you can steal effectively and ethically.

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Why agency owners and consultants should maximize their personal income

There is a conversation that I seem to have over and over again with agency owners.

They tell me about their business, and how they are growing. 

Every year more revenue and more employees.

Yet their personal income is still low… 

They keep “reinvesting in the business” and if they could just make it over this next hump then their profits would go up and they could take home more pay.

This conversation happens time and time again…

In this article, I want to share why an agency owner with a low personal income need to make some serious changes.

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Simplify your goal setting

At this time of year, it is inevitable that you will come across a handful of posts from various bloggers and publications about setting goals for 2017.

As you read through many of those, you may find yourself inspired, jacked up, and ready to dive head first into an epic new year!

And as a result, you may set a handful of big goals that would be difficult, if not entirely impossible to achieve.

Yet in this post, I want to present a different view on goal setting.

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Why you should read less and study more

For most of my adult life, I have read a lot of books. 
In particular, I have read a lot of non-fiction books. 

I am committed to a mindset of a lifelong learning, and so I am always seeking someway to improve my skills.

But over the past year, the way that I approach reading and learning has drastically changed. 

It all happened when I read one simple quote from the stoic writer Seneca.

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Living your mission

It's easy to go through life and your career, taking job after job for check after check.

Your income raises, and you feel good about it.

It's easy to keep repeating that cycle.

What is hard is to find your mission.

To find that driving force that brings satisfaction beyond the money you make.

Making money is easy.
Living your mission is hard.

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How to conduct a personal quarterly review + My Q1 review & Q2 goals

One of the fastest ways for any individual to make positive change in their life is to set goals, and then work at achieving them.

Every quarter, I do a quarterly review where I review my previous quarter and set goals for the upcoming quarter. 

Below you will see a list of my quarterly goals I set for Q1 with the actual outcomes for each of those goals. Then I also dive into detail about what went well, and what didn't. 

I encourage you to take this format and apply it to your own life and do your own Quarterly review. 

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Why creatives must have side projects

If you are going to be a freelancer for a living, it is essential that you have a side project.

It is not a maybe, it is a must have.

Side projects are what fuel your creative energy, allow you to practice your skills, and will ultimately become the the primary projects that shape the course of your life.

My goal with this post is to share with you the reasons why every creative must have a side project

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Why you should have 'a list of people you like'

For years, I have used a strategy that has both improved my quality of life and generated a large amount of income.

The strategy has never cost me a single dollar, and I enjoy executing it.

Its not complicated, and it is something anyone can do.

    I keep a list of people I like.  

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Around the world in 347 days : Lessons learned from a year of travel

This week I returned to the United States after 347 days of traveling abroad.

In this year long trip, my girlfriend and I visited 13 countries and had an experience unlike anything I could have ever imagined.

My goal with this post is to share with you a bit of our experiences, and lessons learned from our lap around the world.

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How to handle growth in your creative career

If you do good work and find yourself consistently getting booked with more, bigger and better projects, then you will no doubt be faced with the challenge of growth. 

Do you hire a team?
Do you try to take it all on?
Do you raise your rates?

My goal with this post is to not give you the answers, but instead challenge you to think about growth in a different way.

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Do Epic Shit

Just over a week ago, one of my best friends from high school, Dan Beerman set out on an amazing journey.

He paired up with a photo journalist and they are hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. 

My goal with this post is to share a simple method that you can use to live an extraordinary life.

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The safest investment you can ever make

Over the course of my career I have started companies, left them, and failed at others. I have invested time, energy and money into each of those with little to nothing to show for them years later.

All of the time, money and energy that I put into those companies yielded me little to no long term gain.

But there is one investment that has been worth every penny and every second. ...

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