July 2024: Top 11 DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Consultants, Consulting Firms, & Companies

Top DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Consultants, Consulting Firms, & Companies

Updated: July 2024

In today's globalized business environment, companies and organizations are increasingly recognizing the vital role DE&I plays in fostering a positive workplace culture, driving innovation, and improving overall performance.

The Value of DE&I Consultants and Firms

DE&I consultants, consulting firms, and companies offer invaluable insights and strategies, tailored to each organization's unique needs. Their expertise helps to establish workplaces where all employees feel valued and empowered. This not only enhances employee satisfaction and retention but also significantly impacts a company's reputation and appeal to a diverse customer base.

Moreover, DE&I consultants play a critical role in identifying and dismantling systemic barriers that may exist within organizational structures. Their guidance can lead to more equitable practices in hiring, promotion, and employee development, contributing to a more diverse leadership pipeline.

Choosing the Right DE&I Partner for Your Needs

Selecting the ideal DE&I consultant or firm for your organization requires careful consideration. The first step is to assess your organization's specific DE&I goals and challenges. Are you looking to build a foundational DE&I strategy, or do you need specialized training for your leadership team? Maybe your focus is on developing a more inclusive recruitment process or enhancing your brand's appeal to a diverse customer base.

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, look for consultants or firms with a proven track record in similar areas. It's important to choose a partner who not only possesses the necessary expertise but also aligns with your company's values and culture.

TL;DR Top 11 DE&I Consultants, Consulting Firms, & Companies

  • Alpha Apex Group: Alpha Apex Group, a trailblazing DE&I consulting firm, excels in fostering inclusive workplace cultures through services like assessments, strategy development, customized training, and policy creation, ensuring clients surpass diversity and inclusion goals with data-driven insights, making them a key ally for purposeful and inclusive leadership in today's global marketplace.

  • Bain & Company: Specializes in integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into business practices and leadership, using data-driven strategies to foster a thriving, inclusive corporate culture.

  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG): Assists clients in developing inclusive business models and DEI strategies that extend to customer experiences, product development, and supply chain for sustainable competitive advantages.

  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC): Focuses on creating inclusive cultures and communities through DE&I strategy development, data analytics, and implementation services, aiming for societal impact and systemic change.

  • EW Group: Guides organizations in embracing diversity through audits, training, and executive coaching, with a focus on systemic and behavioral change in various sectors.

  • Collective: Specializes in fostering inclusive cultures for high-growth, millennial-driven brands, offering interactive trainings and discussions to attract and retain underrepresented talent.

DE&I Consulting

Alpha Apex Group, Leaders in DE&I Consulting

Alpha Apex Group is recognized as a trailblazer in DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consulting, offering comprehensive strategies and solutions to organizations committed to fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Their expertise in conducting thorough assessments, developing strategic DE&I initiatives, and implementing sustainable practices ensures that clients not only meet but exceed their diversity and inclusion goals. By leveraging data-driven insights, innovative training programs, and best practices, Alpha Apex Group helps businesses of all sizes create environments where diversity is celebrated, equity is achieved, and inclusion is embedded in every aspect of the organization.

Key Services:

  • DE&I assessments and strategy development

  • Customized training and workshops on DE&I topics

  • Policy and procedure development for inclusive practices

  • Support in building diverse talent pipelines

  • Guidance on embedding DE&I into corporate governance

  • Measurement and reporting on DE&I progress and impact

Why work with Alpha Apex Group:

Partnering with Alpha Apex Group for DE&I consulting ensures that organizations are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to drive meaningful change. Their approach not only addresses compliance and reputation management but also focuses on the transformative power of diversity and inclusion to enhance innovation, employee engagement, and business performance. Alpha Apex Group's commitment to creating lasting impact, combined with their extensive experience in DE&I consulting, positions them as an invaluable ally for companies aiming to lead with purpose and inclusivity in today's global marketplace.

Bain & Company champions an innovative approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), emphasizing its necessity for a thriving, future-ready business culture. Recognized as leaders in diversity consulting, Bain & Company integrates DEI into its mission and business practices, reflecting its commitment in its own award-winning culture. Their approach includes working closely with leadership teams to frame long-term visions, fostering accountability, and engaging in data-driven strategies.

Key Services

  • Leadership Team Engagement and Vision Framing

  • Data-Driven DEI Strategies

  • Comprehensive DEI Transformation Tools

  • Embedding DEI in Business Functions and Organizational Priorities

Why Work with Bain & Company

Bain & Company's holistic and data-driven approach to DEI ensures that businesses not only thrive internally but also excel in market performance. Their extensive experience and innovative methods provide a robust roadmap for companies to transform into more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organizations​​​​.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) helps clients construct equitable and inclusive business models that contribute to long-term, sustainable competitive advantages. BCG emphasizes the integration of DEI beyond just the employee experience, extending into areas like customer journey, product development, and supply chain

Key Services

  • Supplier Diversity Programs

  • Gender Equality Initiatives

  • Inclusive Product Design

  • Business Strategy Reimagination for DEI

  • Driving Measurable Change in DEI

Why Work with BCG

BCG stands out for its comprehensive approach to DEI, helping organizations not only incorporate these values internally but also leverage them for market advantage and societal impact.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) emphasizes the critical role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in driving generational impact and systemic change. Their approach to DE&I consulting is rooted in creating inclusive cultures and communities that benefit society at large.

Key Services

  • DE&I Strategy Development and Alignment

  • DE&I Data Analytics and Benchmarking

  • Implementation Services across Talent Lifecycle and Supplier Diversity

  • Experiential D&I Upskilling Programs

  • Integration of DE&I in Business Operations and Transformation Efforts

  • DE&I Disclosures and Reporting

Why Work with PwC

PwC's holistic and data-driven approach to DE&I positions them as a leader in fostering inclusive workplace cultures and societal change. Their services are designed to help organizations not only understand and embrace DE&I but also to embed these principles deeply into their business strategies and operations​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

EW Group, also known as Equality Works, plays a pivotal role in guiding organizations across various sectors, including public, private, and non-profit, towards embracing and internalizing diversity in all its forms. Their approach is two-pronged: they focus on systemic change through strategy, audit, and analysis, and on behavioral changes through learning and development initiatives.

The team at EW Group consists of over 120 specialists in diversity and inclusion, demonstrating a strong commitment to helping businesses achieve their DEI goals.

Key Services

  • Providing audits, accreditation, and diversity data analysis and diagnostics

  • Offering training, diversity e-learning, executive coaching, and HR consulting services

  • Extensive training programs that have reached over 1.6 million people and 3,500 companies across more than 85 countries

Why Work with EW Group

EW Group has extensive experience and proven track record in driving systemic and behavioral change Their ability to create impactful learning programs and provide thorough audits and strategies sets them apart in the field of DEI consulting​​​​​​​​​​.

Collective specializes in working with high-growth, millennial-driven brands and organizations to foster cultures that attract, engage, and retain underrepresented talent. Collective provides lively and interactive group trainings, DEI discussions, and town halls, all designed to encourage honest conversation and upskill teams for inclusive behavior.

Key Services

  • Culture Building for Underrepresented Talent

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research and Audits

  • Immersive Observation

  • Interactive Group Trainings and DEI Discussions

  • Town Halls for Inclusion and Behavior Change

Why Work with Collective

Collective is dedicated to creating workplaces where diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just trends but fundamental aspects of a thriving culture. Their innovative and research-based approach helps companies navigate the complexities of DEI.

7. Heidrick & Struggles

Heidrick & Struggles

Heidrick & Struggles’ approach to DE&I is built around three interconnected solutions: accelerating impact and results, building visible representation, and creating an inclusive culture. The firm uses data-driven methodologies to focus on diverse leadership and cultivate diverse and inclusive cultures within organizations.

At Heidrick & Struggles, DE&I is not just a service offered to clients; it is an integral part of their internal culture and values. They emphasize diversity to foster creativity, equity to empower diverse talent and thought, and inclusion to create a culture that embraces differences and encourages authenticity. Their efforts extend to their own workplace, where they strive to create an open, inclusive, and committed culture. 

Key Services

  • Change the Race Ratio: A commitment to publish diversity targets and progress towards them

  • Paradigm for Parity: A pledge to achieve gender parity by 2030

  • Offering practical actions for leaders to advance DE&I, such as defining DEI, centering employees in efforts, and embracing a full range of engagement approaches

Why Work with Heidrick & Struggles

Heidrick & Struggles' commitment to DE&I, both internally and in their consulting services, makes them a top choice for organizations seeking to foster a genuinely inclusive and equitable culture.

8. The Kaleidoscope Group

The Kaleidoscope Group

The Kaleidoscope Group is dedicated to fostering change in workplaces. They believe strong organizations are built by empowered individuals who understand, respect, and appreciate themselves and everyone around them. Recognizing the changing dynamics of the global workforce, workplace, and marketplace, they partner with clients to manage, respond to, and drive change. 

Key Services

  • DE&I Strategy Development and Alignment

  • Customized DE&I Solutions

  • Proven Frameworks and Education Platforms

  • Strategic Consulting on Various DE&I Topics

  • Organizational Change Management

Why Work with The Kaleidoscope Group

The Kaleidoscope Group's extensive experience in DE&I consulting, along with its broad and deep expertise, positions them as a leader in creating meaningful and sustainable change. Their approach is not just about understanding diversity and inclusion but about building structures that can adapt and thrive in a constantly shifting landscape​​​​​​​​​​​​.

9. ReadySet


ReadySet, founded in 2015 by Y-Vonne Hutchinson, is a boutique consulting firm based in Oakland, California, that specializes in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The firm is renowned for helping companies build more human-centric, inclusive cultures, teams, and products/services.

Key Services

  • Strategy & Consulting: ReadySet provides comprehensive consulting services to help organizations strategize and implement effective DEI initiatives

  • Learning & Development: The firm offers learning programs and development opportunities to facilitate DEI growth within organizations

  • Search & Talent Acquisition: With a focus on executive search, ReadySet leverages its expertise in leadership development and DEI to build resilient leadership teams

  • Executive Services: They offer executive coaching to enhance leadership capabilities in the context of DEI

  • Events & Retreats: ReadySet organizes events and retreats that focus on DEI learning and development

Why Work with ReadySet

Choosing ReadySet for DEI consulting means partnering with a firm that not only understands the complexities of diversity and inclusion but also possesses the tools and expertise to create lasting change in an organization's culture and leadership.

10. Jennifer Brown Consulting

Jennifer Brown Consulting

Jennifer Brown Consulting is an LGBTQ+ and woman-owned strategic leadership and global DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consulting firm. The company focuses on creating workplace cultures that embrace and value diversity, fostering an environment where all individuals can thrive. 

They offer services including DEI strategy development tailored to the unique needs of organizations, customized DEI training, and inspirational speaking engagements by DEI experts to motivate teams and individuals in their roles in organizational change efforts​​​​.

Key Services

  • Consultation for identifying workplace DEI challenges and opportunities

  • Customized DEI training programs

  • Inspirational speaking engagements by DEI experts

Why Work with Jennifer Brown Consulting

The firm stands out for its commitment to creating inclusive workplace cultures and its ability to empower leaders and teams, driven by experience in DEI consulting combined with a strategic leadership approach.

11. Deloitte’s Equity Professional Services

Deloitte’s Equity Professional Services

Deloitte's Equity Professional Services’ systems-based approach seeks to unlock value, orchestrate equitable outcomes, and foster a sense of belonging in workforces, marketplaces, and society. Deloitte specializes in addressing DEI challenges with human-centric solutions, focusing on the historically marginalized. The firm's Equity Activation Model guides organizations to activate equity across three spheres: workforce, marketplace, and society. 

Key Services

  • Systems-based DEI strategy development

  • Human-centric solutions for DEI challenges

  • Equity Smart Suite for DEI analytics and insights

  • Consultation and advisement for influential global organizations

Why Work with Deloitte’s Equity Professional Services

Deloitte stands out for its comprehensive, data-driven approach to fostering equity and inclusion, offering tailored strategies that resonate with organizations' unique challenges and goals in the DEI space. Their expertise and innovative tools like the Equity Smart Suite provide a solid foundation for organizations to create sustainable, equitable outcomes.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a DE&I Consultant, Consulting Firm, or Company

When selecting a DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consultant, consulting firm, or company, it's crucial to consider various factors to ensure that your choice aligns with your organization's needs and values. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Look for organizations with a proven track record in DE&I. Assess their experience in handling issues similar to those your organization faces.

  • Choose a consultant or firm that offers tailored solutions rather than a one-size-fits-all approach

  • Ensure that the consultant or firm has a deep understanding of various cultural contexts and can navigate sensitive topics with respect

  • Review feedback from past clients and examine case studies to gauge the effectiveness of their strategies

  • Check if they use the latest tools and innovative approaches to DE&I challenges

  • Consider whether their strategies are designed for long-term impact rather than short-term fixes

  • Ensure their approach to DE&I aligns with your organization's core values and mission

  • Look for consultants who provide ongoing support and resources to foster continuous DE&I growth within your organization

What DE&I Consultant, Consulting Firm, or Company Will You Choose?

Choosing the right DE&I consultant, consulting firm, or company is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace. The ideal partner should not only provide expert advice and tailored solutions but also align with your organization's values and culture. 

In a world that is increasingly acknowledging the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the decision you make will have a lasting impact on your organization's journey towards fostering a truly inclusive environment.

Additional Reading on Management Consulting