Posts tagged podcast management process
How to Build a Process-Driven Business for Scalable Success

Processes… we all know it’s part of what we need to scale our businesses.

You hear people talk about Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) all the time.

I’m a huge believer in SOP’s and have been using them for a while… yet recently I’ve had some mindset shifts in how I think about processes.

In this article, I am going to share the mindset shifts and how I now think about building a process driven business.

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My system for streamlining my podcast workflow
“Starting a podcast sounds great, but it just seems like a ton of work.”

That is what nearly all of my clients say to me when I propose the idea of launching their own podcast. 

Yet when I bring up the idea of starting a podcast to others, they have a built in belief that creating and running a podcast is going to take at on of time and energy.

The truth is, that is not the case. 

In this post I share my entire workflow on streamlining my podcast process. 

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