Posts in Creative Work
Why you should have 'a list of people you like'

For years, I have used a strategy that has both improved my quality of life and generated a large amount of income.

The strategy has never cost me a single dollar, and I enjoy executing it.

Its not complicated, and it is something anyone can do.

    I keep a list of people I like.  

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It's time to rethink networking

If you are like most people, you hate networking. 

The idea of walking into a room and schmoozing a bunch of people hoping to find an ideal prospect probably sounds horrible. 

But networking doesn't have to be that way.

My goal in this post is to share with you just a few ways to expand your network without feeling sleazy about it.

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The art of client communication : How to win clients and keep them happy

One of the biggest areas of freelancing that many people fail to even think about is client communication.

Client communication may be one of the single most important factors in building your business.

How you connect with clients has the ability to turn one off jobs into repeat clients, referrals, and raving testimonials.

My goal with this post is to teach you some of the basic concepts of client communication.

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‘Doing what you love’ vs ‘Doing what you like'

When people start their freelance career and try to figure out what services they are going to offer, there is this difficult question of if they should focus on doing what they love.

To be honest, there is no perfect answer to this question.

My goal with this post is to walk you through two different ways of looking at your freelance career.

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16 ways to win new freelance clients

One of the most common questions I get from aspiring freelancers is “How do you get your clients?”

When asked this question, I never quite have a perfect answer because the truth is that my work comes from many different places.

There are tons of ways to get new clients, although below I have included a list of 16 tactics that have landed me clients.

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The 9 steps of selling a creative project

There is one question that I get over and over again from creatives.

How do you handle the sales process of a creative project?

Sales is scary when it is foreign to you. Yet a strong understanding of how a sale flows from beginning to end will make it much easier to handle. 

My goal with this post is to walk you through the entire sales process from beginning to end.

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How to handle growth in your creative career

If you do good work and find yourself consistently getting booked with more, bigger and better projects, then you will no doubt be faced with the challenge of growth. 

Do you hire a team?
Do you try to take it all on?
Do you raise your rates?

My goal with this post is to not give you the answers, but instead challenge you to think about growth in a different way.

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How to learn any creative craft extremely fast

When many creatives are getting started, one of their biggest obstacles is not the business side, but instead the creative side.

They meander along putting out average work and thus they get average clients paying average rates.

My goal with this post is to share with you some methods on how to improve the quality of your work extremely fast.

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The secret to building a steady freelance income

One of the biggest struggles for many freelancers is building a steady income. There is always this constant fear of not knowing wear the next job is coming from, and that drives many freelancers either crazy or bankrupt. 

It doesn't have to be that way. 

In this post I will give you some simple strategies and tactics that can help you build a steady pipeline of clients and flow of income for your freelance business.

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How to work with friends and not end up hating each other

The first place that creatives should look for sales when getting started or when thing slow down is their existing network. 

Your friends, coworkers, past employers and acquaintances can all be great sources of freelance projects and quick wins.

But if you don't handle these project properly, it is easy to ruin a once great friendship. 

My goal with this blog post is to teach you how to work with friends and acquaintances and keep those relationships strong throughout the process.

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The unconventional pricing strategy that tripled my income

One of the biggest problems for creatives is figuring out how much do I charge?

In this post I am going to break down the traditional guidance about pricing and teach you a non-conventional pricing strategy that will rock your bank account.

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How to write proposals and actually win them

A few months ago I adopted a new proposal system and I have been astonished by the results.

I am closing twice as many clients and at higher budgets than ever before. 

In this post I outlined the proposal process in it's entiretey and also include an example proposal for reference 

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How to choose (or not choose) your freelance niche

One of the biggest problems that I see many creatives face is this decision of what skills that they should market.

This problem is stopping many creative's in their track, before they ever even get started.

My goal with this post is to teach you how to choose what skills you should be marketing and then help you position yourself accordingly.

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The two building blocks of any successful creative career

At the core of any creative career are two essential building blocks. 

These building blocks determine everything else about a creatives ability to succeed, work on interesting projects, and make a good living from their craft.

Yet many early stage creative's don't spend enough time on these two essentials.

My goal with this post is to explain to you the two building blocks behind every successful creative career and teach methods on how you can improve them.

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How to make $1,000+ per week on Upwork

Many creatives look down on the outsourcing platform Upwork. I know when I started my freelance career, I did as well.

Yet with Upwork, you also have the ability to use their marketplace to jumpstart your career and provide a continual flow of projects for your freelancing business.

Early on, I began landing small projects of a few hundred dollars at a time, and within a few weeks I was generating $1,000-$1,300 per week just on oDesk. 

My goal with this post is to teach you the basics of how to get up and running on Upwork, and how to quickly get to a point where you are generating over $1,000 per week. 

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