Posts in Marketing
How to make the jump to freelancing full time

One of the biggest questions I regularly get through my site is from creatives who are wanting to quit their jobs and freelance full time.

They know they want to do it, but they are afraid to make the jump. 

In this post, I will share with you two strategies for making the jump and stories of freelancers who have done it. 

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Why you should have 'a list of people you like'

For years, I have used a strategy that has both improved my quality of life and generated a large amount of income.

The strategy has never cost me a single dollar, and I enjoy executing it.

Its not complicated, and it is something anyone can do.

    I keep a list of people I like.  

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The most underutilized method of acquiring new clients

Direct outreach includes e-mail prospecting, sending letters in the mail, etc.

Many don't believe direct outreach works. They are inundated with spammy requests all day and thus, they think all direct outreach is spammy.

But the truth is, direct outreach is an effective method of acquiring new work and it doesn't have to be spammy. 

Personally, direct outreach has lead to 30% of my income this year. 

My goal with this post is to share with you a few methods on utilizing direct outreach to grow your freelancing business.

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It's time to rethink networking

If you are like most people, you hate networking. 

The idea of walking into a room and schmoozing a bunch of people hoping to find an ideal prospect probably sounds horrible. 

But networking doesn't have to be that way.

My goal in this post is to share with you just a few ways to expand your network without feeling sleazy about it.

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16 ways to win new freelance clients

One of the most common questions I get from aspiring freelancers is “How do you get your clients?”

When asked this question, I never quite have a perfect answer because the truth is that my work comes from many different places.

There are tons of ways to get new clients, although below I have included a list of 16 tactics that have landed me clients.

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The secret to building a steady freelance income

One of the biggest struggles for many freelancers is building a steady income. There is always this constant fear of not knowing wear the next job is coming from, and that drives many freelancers either crazy or bankrupt. 

It doesn't have to be that way. 

In this post I will give you some simple strategies and tactics that can help you build a steady pipeline of clients and flow of income for your freelance business.

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The unconventional pricing strategy that tripled my income

One of the biggest problems for creatives is figuring out how much do I charge?

In this post I am going to break down the traditional guidance about pricing and teach you a non-conventional pricing strategy that will rock your bank account.

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How I generated $12,030 with cold e-mailing

In the first seven months of my freelance career, I managed to close $12,030 of business from a few batches of cold e-mails.

In my past creative ventures, I have landed deals with Fortune 500 clients that have stemmed from cold e-mails. 

My goal with this post is to share with you the methods and tactics behind how to actually land clients through cold e-mailing.

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The safest investment you can ever make

Over the course of my career I have started companies, left them, and failed at others. I have invested time, energy and money into each of those with little to nothing to show for them years later.

All of the time, money and energy that I put into those companies yielded me little to no long term gain.

But there is one investment that has been worth every penny and every second. ...

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Three mistakes I made early in my creative career

Over the past six months I have several huge mistakes with the marketing, niching and positioning of my consulting practice.

While I made these mistakes early on, recently I struck gold.

My goal with this post is to share three massive mistakes I made in the past six months while launching my consulting practice in hopes that you won’t make the same.

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